COMMUNITY HEALTH Health Recommendations | Health Tips | Education

Wildheart Therapies operates on the unceded traditional territory of the KTUNAXA people known at the Qat’muk – home of the Grizzly Bear Spirit. Today we talk about Community Health Recommended health tips and education. This is our second newsletter.

Health Recommendations:

  1. Teeth cleaning and dentist check up every six months –
    the health of your mouth greatly affects your gut health which
    eventually affects your mood, immune system and hormones.
  2. Regularly monitor your blood pressure! – there is a BP
    monitor near the pharmacy at Independent Grocery Store. I
    have seen different cases of abnormally high blood pressure
    recently. We do not know the aftermath of Covid affecting the
    body. Ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg and blood
    pressure above 135/85 mmHg is recommended to seek
    treatment. Hypertension (high BP) is silent and often does
    not have symptoms, even at alarmingly high states, but it can cause stroke or heart attack if left untreated and thus is important to know about. It is advised to check out your blood pressure occasionally either by booking an appointment for a check up or next time your in Independent. For more information:
  3. Organic food is important: it minimizes toxins, antibiotics and hormones into YOU. If you are not fully organic, it is recommended to buy the “Dirty Dozen” organically.

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Wildheart Therapies would like to provide the following care:

  • Registered Massage Therapists
  • Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor
  • Craniosacral Therapist
  • Bowen Therapy
  • Homeopath

This is a non-conclusive list. If you know of someone great for our team, please ask them to email:

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One response to “COMMUNITY HEALTH Health Recommendations | Health Tips | Education”

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