$215 CAD
60 min Session
- Good for Whole Body, Mind or Spirit Health
- Good for People of all ages
30 – 55 min Session
- Good for Whole Body and Structural Health
- Good For Structural Ailgnments
60 – 90 min session
- Good for Whole Body and Bone Health
- Good for People of all ages
Clinical Counseling
60 Min Session
- Suitable for everyone
- Holistic Clinical Counselor
Nutrition Counseling
Starting only at $50 CAD
- Suitable for everyone
- Holistic Nutritionist Counselor
*Patients who have not seen one of our doctors in the past 12 months are required to book Renewal Visit. If you have not seen your Naturopathic Doctor in the past 3 years you will be asked to do an initial visit.
*All Prices are in CAD and exclude Taxes
Naturopathic Therapy Cost for Elders
Our doctors love working with the wisdom of our elders. We offer focused discounts to ensure that people over 65 that may no longer be receiving an income, have the opportunity to use our services.
Seniors over 65 -Receive 20% off all supplements prescribed
Elders over 80 – Receive 20% off all supplements prescribed, and get an additional 50% off all services
Insurance and Coverage
In British Columbia, Naturopathic medical services are not covered by basic medical services plan (MSP). Premium assistance MSP may have some coverage but it is important for you to check with MSP before your appointment.
Naturopathic Medicine is covered by most extended healthcare plans. Many people have extended health care coverage through their employer.
Teck offers benefits for alternative health care, as do many other local employers. It is important to look into your health care coverage through your extended health care plans and have a good idea as to what is covered.
Asking your provider the right questions may eliminate any sort of confusion:
- What is the maximum amount per year that I can get covered for myself and my family?
- Is there a limit to an initial visit consultation?
- Is there a limit to follow-up visit consultations?
- Do you cover any naturopathic lab services?
- Are supplements covered by my plan?
Cost of Therapy for Self-Employed?
Naturopathic Medicine is Tax Deductible:
Recent Revenue Canada (CRA) Federal legislation now allows business owners to fully tax deduct 100% of their naturopathic healthcare expenses as a business expense using a Health & Welfare Trust. You may be able to write off supplement expenses as well. Call 1-888-880-2266 for more information.
Meet your Doctor: 15 minutes
This quick visit is available for you if you are not sure what Naturopathic Medicine is, or not sure if our doctors have worked with your specific condition and would like to check in with them prior to committing to an Initial Visit. Some people use this to meet the doctor and see if they will be a fit for them moving forward. No medical advice or treatment will be administered during this visit, and the visit is kept to 15 minutes and the cost is $55.