Dr. Ashley Romanchuk, ND
Dr. Ashley Romanchuk is the Owner and Medical Director of Wildheart Therapies. Dr. Romanchuk is the primary physician at Wildheart Therapies and is happy to serve the needs of all ages and conditions.
Dr. Ashley takes a traditional approach to naturopathic medicine with a major focus on botanical medicines as pillars of treatment. She has written a Materia Medica Botanica, available on her website, to which she is continually adding information.
Her main areas of treatment focus on balancing hormones with a centralized focus on fertility care. Hormone imbalances include diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, various forms of digestive disorders and imbalances, sleep disorders, generalized fatigue, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and problems with weight (gain or loss). Recently, Dr. Ashley has taken extra interest in autoimmunity which is also developing into another focus of care. Dr. Ashley provides a strong center of naturopathic counsel in the areas of trauma, abuse, and addiction. She spent her student clinical years working in various clinics in the DTES of Vancouver and has a broad range of comprehension from first-hand experience, clinical experience, years of studying the works of Dr. Gabor Maté, MD, and Dr. Durvasula Ramani, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and also with a social sciences background concentrated in criminology from the University of Calgary. Dr. Ashley also spent time studying under Dr. Stuart Donaldson, a Ph.D. in Psychology and one of the leading doctors, researchers, authors, and teachers in concussion and brain trauma, which is now another arena of focused care and treatment for Dr. Ashley.
Dr. Ashley has spent many years since graduating in 2015 from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (recently named the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine) advancing her knowledge of botanical medicines including the Traditional Chinese Materia Medica. This includes time studying under various traditional indigenous medicine people of Canada and years advancing her knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine by many hours of extra courses under incredible teachers such as Clara Cohen, L.Ac., Dr. Daoshing Ni, DAOM, Nicholas Duchnowski, L. Ac. alongside studying under acupuncture mentors and years of extra self-study in traditional Chinese diagnostics, acupuncture, and treatment protocols. Dr. Ashley carries her pharmaceutical license and has the ability to prescribe pharmaceuticals when needed.
Dr. Ashley practices naturopathic medicine with great respect to the indigenous people of the traditional unceded territory she walks upon.